2030: Most Americans Will Be Obese, And It’ll Cost America More Than $500 Billion

by Bob Walsh

According to a recent report by  The Trust for America’s Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation more than half of all Americans could be obese by 2030. The medical bills for treating the diseases this will lead to are estimated to run into $66 billion, and the lost productivity for the USA is estimated to be around $500 billion.

When you read something like this, you probably want to do two things:

  1. Lose weight (and weight loss hypnosis can make this difficult task a lot easier)
  2. Stay positive (because news negativity doesn’t help you either).

The title of the report is F as in Fat: How Obesity Threatens America’s Future, and you can download the PDF file for free – but be aware that it’s quite a large file with 124 pages.

When you read something like this it makes sense to check whether the statements made are valid – especially since this really seems outrageous.

Here is what an independent expert who is not involved in this study said:

“Obesity is on the causal pathway to every major chronic disease that plagues our society — heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, pulmonary diseases, arthritis. So it is best thought of as the canary in the coal mine of chronic diseases. As goes obesity, so goes health.”
-Dr. David Katz, director of the Yale University Prevention Research Center

In some way, this report is stating the obvious. But in another way, the numbers are so shocking that it’s worth pointing it out again: it’s time to really do something about this problem.

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