Sports Hypnosis

by Bob Walsh

Sports is not just about the body. Sports is also about the mind – about the mental game. And sports hypnosis can help you to improve athletic performance naturally.

Sports Hypnosis Download

As sports psychologist Pieter Kruger (who worked with many elite athletes including the 2012 British Olympic team) said: [it's] about the application of skills under pressure.

When The Stakes Are High

Most athletes do not perform as well in contests as they do on the playing field. The golf coach of Tiger Woods for example said that none of the golf players he ever coached played as good in tournaments as they did during training.

What’s the reason?

The reason is in their mind. Even professional athletes choke under pressure.

It’s something that sport psychologists refer to as anticipatory anxiety. Thoughts get into the mind of an athlete, often weeks before a big race or game or contest – and they are unsettling thoughts and doubts and fears.

Imagine being a professional athlete. Imaging having dedicated years of your life to this, and some big event, some important challenge is coming up in the following weeks. It puts a lot of pressure on you.

And if an athlete isn’t able to handle these fears, it puts him or her into a state of constant stress. Stress causes the release of cortisol and adrenaline in your body, which can negatively impact your sleep patterns and training.

Damon Burton, professor of sport psychology at University of Idaho in the United States, said:

“Thinking too much is the worst possible thing they [athletes] can do psychologically”

Overthinking can be the stumbling block of champions. Peak performance requires you to be in the zone.

Sports hypnosis can help you to remain focused on the process, on doing the sport, rather than worrying about your scores or medals.

Sports hypnosis can help you to achieve your optimal athletic performance by concentrating your mental powers on perfect execution.

Instead of writing something about sports hypnosis that others have already written much better than I could, I just want to refer you to some great articles on sports hypnosis:

Recommended hypnosis MP3 downloads:

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